Sunday, October 21, 2012

Halloween votives

Halloween is easily one of my favorite times of the year. Between the weather, leaves,'s the best. Plus it's a great time for goofy craft stuff. Here's a pic of my votives/luminaries made w/ a cricut and vellum. They'll be great lining our walkway on Halloween.

Monday, October 1, 2012

With Affordability High, More Home Owners Supersize

With Affordability High, More Home Owners Supersiz

This article confirms what I've already witnessed: homeowners who can, will.  Those who are not too terribly underwater and have the means are taking advantage of this down market and purchasing a larger home.  Though the trend for some time was to get away from larger homes with unnecessary space (especially those located in the exurbs) there seems to be a bit of a reversal.  Taking advantage now makes great sense from a dollars perspective. But there is potentially a price to pay in terms of quality of life (IMO).